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A healthy horse, once affected by sarcoid, now completely resolved and remains stable to date.

Patient: Winner

Case presentation: A 16 year old Dutch WB Stallion from Europe arrived in the United States as a two year old with a sarcoid on the right hind ankle. Over the years, the sarcoid was treated with standard modalities including surgical removal, cryotherapy, Cisplatin, immune and herbal therapies. The lesion persisted and interfered with participation in horse show events. On June 11, 2019, 3.0 cc of RenoVō® allograft was implanted at the discretion of the veterinarian under the lesion and distributed subcutaneously around the wound.


On June 18, 2019, the sarcoid had significantly decreased in size. Debridement was performed followed by standard wound dressing, with bandage changes performed as needed by the owner at the recommendation of the attending veterinarian.



On July 9, 2019, surgical removal of the residual sarcoid was performed followed by a second implantation of 1.5 cc of RenoVō® allograft distributed subcutaneously around the residual wound edges.



On July 23, 2019, two weeks following the second implantation, the sarcoid showed marked improvement.




April 30, 2020, the sarcoid is completely resolved and remains stable to date. “After 14 years of fighting with it, the Owner, Winner, and I are very pleased with the results,” says the attending veterinarian.

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